Hi Mariah,
Thank you so much for reaching out! Didn’t think anyone read my posts, and that someone would even take the time to respond to my issues! When I last tried working with Filestack, I think 1) there were a few more complications because it was building on a lot of messy code, and 2) I wasn’t that clear about what my own code was doing and what the Filestack documentation was trying to accomplish. In my subsequent project, I managed to implement it successfully! I still hit a couple of snags, so when I have time, I’ll try to add information/a guide for new developers like myself. (The documentation is probably great for most developers, but as a 5-week old developer, it wasn’t entirely clear for me!) Oh, and my classmate Raegar also pointed out that it’d be awesome to have a one-click upload and auto-submit, instead of two separate buttons. (He managed to do it with some input html JSON on simpleform.)